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TRC Age-Friendly Strategy 2022-27

Tablelands Regional Council invited the community in late 2021 to be involved in the development of the Draft Tablelands Regional Council Age-Friendly Strategy 2022-2027.

The draft strategy, action plan and evaluation framework is based on the World Health Organisation’s Age-friendly Cities model and has now been completed with input from our community including volunteers, community groups, industry and residents.

Community has shared their perspective on ageing in the region and the result is clear – older people play a valuable role in making our community vibrant, inclusive and sustainable.

The strategy was adopted by Council at the June 2022 Ordinary Meeting and will now aid in shaping how our region can continue to be a better place to live for senior residents.


Age-Friendly Tablelands Workshop

Draft strategy based on 2020-2021 community consultation

March-May 2022

Co-develop a draft vision and community message with a community focus group

April 2022

Community feedback through online portal and community groups regarding vision and community message

April-May 2022

Reengage with industry and obtain action plan input from key stakeholder and advisory groups

May 2022

Workshop with Council

May 2022

Presented to Council for endorsement

June-July 2022