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TRC Libraries Strategy

TRC’s Library Strategy is due to be renewed and we want to hear what the community thinks about our current library services.

To help develop our new strategy, we need to know:

  • what is important to you about your local library
  • what you think about the services our libraries provide
  • what you’d like to see into the future

We want your advice on how to best provide a service that evolves to meet community need in the Tablelands Regional Council region. This feedback will help inform our long-term strategy for library services including facilities, access, resources and programs.

Thank you everyone for the amazing response.  We’ve had lots of feedback from across our region and will use this to build a new library strategy to best serve our community.  We will randomly choose six respondents to be the lucky winners of our Shop Tablelands gift cards, stay tuned!

TRC Libraries Strategy 2017-19
