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Wrights Creek Road Renaming

As per our Road Naming Policy, we have offered community an opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed name change of Wrights Creek Road in Lake Eacham to McMahon Road. The consultation period was open from 13 June to 13 July and is now closed. Thank you for your responses, a report will now be compiled and presented to Council for a decision on whether or not a name change will take place.

This request has been made by the McMahon family who offer these reasons as to why the name is most appropriate:

  • Matthew and Theresa McMahon first settled on virgin land around Lake Eacham in 1905 and were one of the earliest pioneers in the region.
  • The Eacham Shire Council was gifted the original parcel of land by the McMahon family in approximately 1909 to provide community and school access to the Lake Eacham and Gadgarra localities via the Gillies Highway and it became known as ‘McMahon’s Road’
  • Jack and Marshall McMahon, the sons of Mathew and Theresa had their own families at McMahon’s Road and became significant members of the community via sporting groups, local government, schools and serving in the Australian military.
  • After the original farm was sold in the 1960s Wright’s Creek Road became accepted as the commonly recognised name.
  • Over a number of decades, the subsequent generations of the McMahon family have continued to be actively involved in music, business, hospitality and cultural events in our region.