
Contact us to apply for interment of a casket/coffin on private land. Approval for scattering ashes is not required.

Burial Records

We maintain approximately 11,570 burial records that are available by contacting our customer relations team. Provide as much information as possible including name, date of birth, date of death, location, etc.

Atherton New Lawn Cemetery

Nasser Road, Atherton

Interment Options

A second casket/coffin interment is possible in a single plot provided the initial interment is at an adequate depth. There are no restrictions on the number of interments of ashes into a plot.

Atherton Rockley Road Cemetery

211 Rockley Rd, Atherton

Interment Options

No new reservations are being accepted for this cemetery.

  • Leaf plaque to remember graves where the location is unknown

Herberton Cemetery

Herberton Cemetery, 52 Syme Rd, Herberton

Interment Options

No new reservations in the old sections. A second casket/coffin interment in a plot is not possible at this cemetery because of the ground conditions. There are no restrictions on the number of interments of ashes into a plot.

Malanda Cemetery

56 Topaz Rd, Peeramon

Interment Options

A second casket/coffin interment is possible in a single plot provided the initial interment is at an adequate depth. There are no restrictions on the number of interments of ashes into a plot.

Millaa Millaa Cemetery

141 Theresa Creek Rd, Millaa Millaa

Interment Options

A second casket/coffin interment is possible in a single plot provided the initial interment is at an adequate depth. There are no restrictions on the number of interments of ashes into a plot.

Mount Garnet Cemetery

Cemetery Rd, Mount Garnet

Interment Options

A second casket/coffin interment is possible in a single plot provided the initial interment is at an adequate depth. There are no restrictions on the number of interments of ashes into a plot.

Ravenshoe Cemetery

31-311 Cemetery Rd, Ravenshoe

Interment Options

A second casket/coffin interment is possible in a single plot provided the initial interment is at an adequate depth. There are no restrictions on the number of interments of ashes into a plot.

Yungaburra Cemetery

120 Mulgrave Rd, Yungaburra

Interment Options

A second casket/coffin interment is possible in a single plot provided the initial interment is at an adequate depth. There are no restrictions on the number of interments of ashes into a plot.

Atherton Pioneer Cemetery (Thomas Park / Old Carrington)

118 Hastie Rd, Atherton

Atherton Pioneer Cemetery

312 Atherton Herberton Road, Carrington

Tolga Historical Cemetery

112 Banchio Rd, Tolga