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Proposed Planning Scheme Amendment No. 5 of 2021

Make a submission from Wednesday 12 January 2022 to Monday 28 February 2022.

The proposed amendments are in response to industry and community feedback and will improve the efficiency and workability of the planning scheme in line with legislative requirements. They are aimed at incentivising development and facilitating economic activity in line with TRC’s strategies and policies.

The amendments apply to the whole of the TRC Local Government Area.

The proposed amendments are available in the document library and for inspection and purchase from customer service centres.

Submissions may be lodged via:

Submissions about any aspect of the proposed amendment may be made to the local government by any person.

A valid submission must:

  • be in writing
  • be received by the closing time
  • be signed by each person making the submission (unless electronic)
  • include the name and residential or business address of each person making the submission
  • including one postal or electronic address
  • state grounds of the submission, and facts and circumstances relied on in support of the grounds.

What can I include in my submission?

You can include any planning related matters in your submission. Whilst the proposed amendments are limited in scope, the entire planning scheme is under consultation during this period. If Council is unable to accommodate your submission in the current amendment process, it will be held on file for consideration in future amendment packages.

A copy of the fully marked up version of the planning scheme amendments and the associated mapping can be found in the Document Library.

The proposed amendments to our planning scheme:

  • ensure the planning scheme is contemporary and relevant
  • are in response to industry and community feedback and will improve the efficiency and workability of the planning scheme
  • are aimed at incentivising development and facilitating economic activity in line with TRC’s strategies and policies (particularly tourism and building work).

Specifically, the amendments:

  • reduce duplication and confusion as to when the Planning Scheme applies to building works
  • reduce red-tape for self-contained recreational vehicles in rural and similar zones
  • open up further opportunities for nature-based tourism and education for rural purposes in rural areas
  • update Environmental Significance Overlay Mapping to reflect updated state mapping
  • update the Environmental Significance Overlay Code and Bushfire Overlay Codes to reflect the State Model Codes.

If you would like to discuss these changes further, you can email to arrange an in-person meeting.  

View the current TRC planning scheme here:


What are the changes to my property?

If there is a zoning change proposed for your property, Council will have written to you individually explaining the impact of the proposed amendment.

Otherwise, there is no change proposed to your property while you continue to operate your current use on site.

If you are proposing to undertake development on your site or change the land use of your site then the proposed changes may have some impact. For example, if the Environmental Significance Overlay is proposed over your property you may need to have further setbacks from environmentally significant areas or avoid works in environmentally significant areas.


If you have a rural property you may be benefited by the changes proposed to reflect Council’s RV strategy and to remove impediments to the establishment of small-scale tourist accommodation facilities on your site. If you are looking to develop your site and you are wondering how these changes may impact you, please fill out a submission form.

A copy of the fully marked up version of the planning scheme amendments and the associated mapping can be found in the Document Library.


I have Rural land, what do the changes to RV and Short Term accommodation mean for me?

Council is proposing to cut red tape for small scale RV and Short term accommodation on certain sites within the Tablelands Regional Council area.

The change mostly relates to Rural Zones although some other zones may also benefit from the changes.

The changes generally allow up to 6 self-contained RVs on site at any one time without a development permit providing certain conditions are complied with. The changes are also creating greater flexibility for the use of existing houses and secondary dwellings on site for short term and workers accommodation.

For further information, refer to the ‘Changes to Nature-Based Tourism’ link in the Document Library.

If you are looking to develop your site and you are wondering how these changes may impact you, please fill out the submission form.

A copy of the fully marked up version of the planning scheme amendments and the associated mapping can be found in the Document Library.


What is the environmental significance mapping and how does it impact my property?

The Environmental Significance Overlay Mapping is State Government Mapping which the Tablelands Regional Council is required by law to include in its planning scheme.

The mapping identifies significant environmental areas within the region including Matters of State Significance. The Environmental Significance Overlay Code protects areas mapped by the Environmental Significance Overlay Mapping from clearing or impacts of development.

It is important to note that any changes to this mapping will not impact the current uses on your property. This mapping is only relevant to future development applications.

It is also important to understand that Council will undertake site inspections of your property as part of any development applications and any errors in the State Mapping can be addressed as part of a Development Application process.

For further information, please read the ‘Changes to Environmental Significance Overlay Mapping’ link in the Document Library.

If you are looking to develop your site and you are wondering how these changes may impact you, please fill out the submission form.

A copy of the fully marked up version of the planning scheme amendments and the associated mapping can be found in the Document Library.


Will these changes impact my rates?

No. Unless the zoning of your property is changed and you have received an individual letter from Council advising of these changes, then the planning scheme amendment will have no impact on your rates or your property value.

A copy of the fully marked up version of the planning scheme amendments and the associated mapping can be found in the Document Library.

DRAFT TRC Planning Scheme V5 Vol 1

DRAFT TRC Planning Scheme V5 Vol 2

TRC Scheme Amendment Amended Plan

TRC Planning Scheme V5 Strategic Framework Maps

Environmental Significance Overlay Maps V2

Environmental Significance Overlay Maps HEVW Watercourse V2

TRC Planning Scheme V5 Zone Changes Maps

Changes to Environmental Significance Overlay Mapping

Extensions to Existing Tourist Parks

Changes to Nature-Based Tourism

Submissions are open from 12am Wednesday 12 January 2022 to 5pm Monday 28 February 2022.

Stage 1 - Preparation of draft planning scheme, including early consultation on a statement of proposals incorporating the draft strategic framework and subsequent preparation of the full draft planning scheme.

Stage 2 - Submission of a full draft planning scheme to State Government for review and approval for proceeding to formal public consultation

Stage 3 - Public consultation on draft planning scheme and reporting on outcomes of consultation to Council and then to State Government

Stage 4 - Final consideration of the draft planning scheme following public consultation by the State Government and approval for Council adoption of planning scheme

Stage 5 - Final adoption of planning scheme by Council


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We are collecting your personal information in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 for the purpose of processing this submission/form. The information will be only accessed by authorised employees. Your information will not be given to any other person or agency unless you have given us permission, or we are required by law.
A submission should contain your name and residential address, grounds of the submission, and facts and circumstances relied on in support of the grounds.
Which of these proposed changes will impact your keeping of animals?