Building & Plumbing

We can check if the property you own, or want to buy, has the necessary building approvals by doing a property search. We must also inspect all plumbing and drainage permit work and the work must be carried out by a licensed contractor.

We cannot guarantee that plans, permits and/or final certificates are available and search fees are non-refundable if no records are located.

Building records are dependent on:

  • a build application being received for the structure
  • the availability of files for historical and older properties
  • if the structure was built before the Building Act came into effect in 1975.

Types of Building & Plumbing Searches

Building Record Search Domestic

This search is a summary of building approvals issued on the property for Class 1a, Class 10a and Class10b. The information includes description of structure, permit number, permit approval date and final approval date (if finalised).  This search does not include copies of plans or final certificates.

Building Record Search Commercial

This search is a summary of building approvals issued on the property for Class 2–Class 9. The information includes description of structure, permit number, permit approval date and final approval date (if finalised).  This search does not include copies of plans or final certificates.

Building & Plumbing Plans

This search provides a copy of  building and/or plumbing plans in our records for structures on the property.  This search does not include other documents and is invoiced separately to a records search.

Final Certificate / Certificate of Classification

This search provides a copy of the certificates that have been issued for structures on the property following a compliant certified final inspection. This search does not include other documents and is invoiced separately to a records seach.