
The Planning Act 2016 establishes Queensland’s planning framework and we are responsible for these  planning processes:

  • Plan making — preparing local planning instruments and strategic plans, including the Tablelands Region Planning Scheme that guides growth and regulates where and how new development should occur.
  • Development assessment, including dispute resolution e.g. where an applicant appeals a decision on a development application.

Development assessment systems regulates how development may occur in our region, and follows a planning process set by the Queensland Government.

Our planning officers have an important role in this process by assessing and deciding development applications. Development applications can be proposals to:

  • subdivide land (reconfiguring of a lot)
  • commence, change or intensify a use (material change of use)
  • conduct building work within an area with certain restrictions, such as in an identified flood zone (building work assessable against the planning scheme).

Development applications are assessed against the Tablelands Regional Council Planning Scheme. The Planning Scheme incorporates local, regional and state planning policy and aims to balance the social, economic and environmental needs of the community. The scheme identifies different zones, which have different types of activities and uses that can be conducted within them.

All development applications go through a standard assessment process. The Development Assessment Rules (DA Rules) set out this development assessment process, which includes these key parts:

  • application
  • referral
  • information request
  • public notification
  • decision.

The process will vary depending on the kind of development application. Not all steps in the development assessment process will apply to all development applications e.g. not every application includes public notification.

Some development applications also require assessment by the Queensland Government. These applications are referred to the State Assessment and Referral Agency as part of the assessment process.

An applicant may also apply to change an existing development approval or extend the timeframe of a development approval prior to the development approval lapsing.

The planning scheme generally sets out which types of development require a development application. You will need to know your zone and the type of development you are proposing to determine whether a development application is required. Only development categorised as assessable development, either impact assessment or code assessment, will require a development application.

No development application will be required if the development is identified as accepted development. A development application cannot be made if the proposed development is identified as prohibited development. We offer pre-lodgement and accepted development review services to confirm development application requirements.

To lodge a properly made application you will need:

  • a completed DA form 1
  • a planning report responding to the relevant planning matters
  • technical reports and supporting information
  • plans of the development
  • proposed lot layout, site/floor plans or elevation plans
  • proof of lot ownership (or owner’s consent)
  • to pay the application fee.

Our quarantined assessment process is an accelerated development assessment pathway for low-risk, code-assessable development applications so that they are decided within a shorter timeframe and at a reduced cost.

Assessment of quarantined assessment applications will generally be completed within ten business days.

The proposed development must meet these criteria to meet quarantined assessment:

  • be accepted development, subject to requirements or code assessable development
  • have up to three non-compliances with relevant acceptable outcomes from all relevant codes
  • not trigger referral under the Planning Regulation 2017
  • not made under a superseded planning scheme
  • not a combined application i.e. more than a single listed use.

A quarantined assessment application must be a properly made application pursuant to the Planning Act 2016 and include:

  • plans of the development (proposed lot layout, site/floor plans or elevation plans)
  • demonstrated compliance with all other acceptable outcomes of the relevant codes
  • an assessment of how the proposed development, in not meeting the relevant acceptable outcome/s, can meet either the performance outcome or the purpose and overall outcome of the relevant code.

Requirement by TRC as assessment manager to issue an information request will result in the application not meeting the quarantined assessment eligibility.  Application that involve more than four non-compliances with relevant acceptable outcomes from all relevant codes will be assessed in accordance with the Planning Act 2016.

These investment incentives support growth and development in our region:

  • Investment Incentive Policy waives up to $100,000 of infrastructure charges for the construction of secondary dwellings, dual occupancy and unit residential development and for strategically important industries and major catalytic projects.
  • Infrastructure Charges Commercial (Bulk Goods) Policy provides capped infrastructure charges for the development of large-scale commercial (bulk goods) development.
  • Infrastructure Charge Deferral Policy allows for the deferral of the payment of infrastructure charges for subdivisions to the point of sale or six months from the sealing of a survey plan, whichever is earliest.

Find out more and apply.