Pre-Lodgement Service

We provide a free one-off pre-lodgement advice service to discuss your development proposal.

The pre-lodgement advice is general and based on the submitted material. The service is not a detailed assessment and does not influence or predict the assessment outcome of a subsequent application. While the pre-lodgement service does not guarantee approval of development application, indicate a level of support for a proposal, or bind TRC to any future outcome or decision, it can save time and money.

We will provide early written comments on the proposal, highlight concerns or issues that may need to be addressed, and identify requirements for a well-made application. The response will generally detail:

  • application requirements, including fees and forms
  • technical reports and supporting information and plans to be lodged with the application
  • issues regarding compliance with the planning scheme or other planning instruments
  • likely conditions and infrastructure charges
  • suggested changes to the application.

The pre-lodgement service is voluntary and not intended to replace the existing, informal advice mechanisms. We cannot assist with drafting or lodging applications. You will need to engage private planning consultant if you require that level of support.

Response timeframes can be up to eight weeks depending on the enquiry, current development applications and general business. Once your application has been received a planning officer will contact you to discuss the proposed development and/or arrange a meeting time.