Rural landowners can potentially establish, without a development permit, a self-contained recreational vehicle (RV) ground in the Broadhectare, Agricultural Investigation and General Rural Precincts of the Rural Zone. In the Agricultural Land Precinct of the Rural Zone and all precincts of the Rural Residential Zone, self-contained RV grounds continue to be assessable development requiring approval from TRC before the commencement of operations.
A self-contained RV is a vehicle equipped with cooking, sleeping and sanitary facilities that can temporarily store grey and/or black water for disposal at a dump point.
To avoid the need for an approval from TRC, the proponents of self-contained RV grounds must ensure that their operation satisfies the relevant self-assessment requirements identified by the Planning Scheme and must register the operation with TRC prior to commencement. Where the self-assessment requirements are not, or cannot, be met, the operation would constitute assessable development for the purposes of the Planning Scheme.
The below self-assessment checklist assists landowners in determining whether their proposal complies with the self-assessment requirements or if a development application is needed. Please complete the below self-assessment checklist as part of the registration process.
Local Law and environmental health requirements apply to registrations.