Corporate Plan Adopted

Tablelands Regional Council (TRC) adopted its Corporate Plan 2025–30 at today’s ordinary Council meeting.

The Corporate Plan shapes TRC’s strategic direction, presents focus for infrastructure, guides priorities and provides direction for services.

In presenting the plan for adoption, Mayor Rod Marti explained how the Corporate Plan will provide direction for the development of strategies and plans, and influence the development of the budget and Operational Plan.

‘This Corporate Plan sets the strategic direction for the organisation for the next five years as we deliver critical infrastructure and services to meet the community’s needs.

‘The plan links the Tablelands 2030+ Community Plan’s priorities with this Council’s commitment to deliver and facilitate outcomes.

‘We will routinely report on progress towards achieving our vision through Operational Plans, Quarterly Reports, Annual Reports and Financial Reports, and will regularly communicate and engage with stakeholders and community.

‘We value and respect all customer interactions and commit to being responsive and proactive in all dealings.

‘Our dedicated staff take pride in activities and achievements that support our customers and add value to our community and its fabric.

‘I commit to working with the Chief Executive Officer to provide the teamwork, leadership and support to my fellow Councillors and the broader organisation to ensure our community receives the best services and support that we can realistically provide,’ Mayor Marti said.
