Local Disaster Management Group

Under Section 29 of the Disaster Management Act 2003, Tablelands Regional Council must establish a Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) for the local government area. The LDMG has overall responsibility for managing disaster events within the local government area.

The Tablelands LDMG is chaired by Mayor Rod Marti. The chair’s role is to manage and coordinate the group and to report regularly to the district group about the performance of the Tablelands LDMG. Our Senior Advisor Emergency Management is the Local Disaster Coordinator for the Tablelands LDMG. The Local Disaster Coordinator’s role is to coordinate disaster operations for the LDMG, to report regularly to the local group about disaster operations and ensure that any strategic decisions of the LDMG about disaster operations are implemented.

In addition to Council staff, membership of the Tablelands LDMG is drawn from:

The LDMG also has a number of advisors:

  • TRC staff including infrastructure, community and corporate services, planning and regulatory services, economic development, GIS, communications, community development, and water and waste
  • dam owners
  • government departments
  • Ergon Energy
  • NBN.

The Tablelands LDMG meets quarterly (and as required) to develop strategies to respond to disasters and to mitigate the effects of disasters on the community. During November to April (wet season) the LDMG meets on a monthly basis. At all other times of the year the LDMG meets as regularly as required.

  • Ensure disaster management and disaster operations in the area are consistent with the State group’s strategic policy framework for disaster management.
  • Develop effective disaster management, and regularly review and assess the disaster management.
  • Help the local government to prepare a local disaster management plan.
  • Identify and provide advice to the relevant district group about support services required by the local group to facilitate disaster management and disaster operations in the area.
  • Ensure the community is aware of ways of mitigating the adverse effects of an event, and preparing for, responding to and recovering from a disaster.
  • Manage disaster operations in the area under policies and procedures decided by the State group.
  • Provide reports and make recommendations to the relevant district group about matters relating to disaster to identify.
  • Identify and coordinate the use of resources for disaster operations in the area.
  • Establish and review communications systems in the group, with the relevant district group, and other local groups in the disaster district of the relevant district group, for use when a disaster happens.
  • Ensure information about a disaster in the area is promptly given to the relevant district group.
  • Perform other functions given to the group under the Act or functions incidental to a function mentioned.

The LDMG will establish an overarching Recovery Group in large-scale disasters. The formation of sub-groups allows a wider representation of relevant agencies and sector representatives in decision making relating to disaster management. While many groups will seek membership on the LDMG, effective and efficient operation requires direct and authoritative advice, information and decision making from recognised representatives who can speak on behalf of key sectors. There are four recovery sub-groups of the Tablelands LDMG.

Human-Social Sub-Group

This sub-group is chaired by our Manager Community Services. The key function of this sub-group is to engage with community members to raise awareness of disaster management issues and to plan and coordinate social support during the response and recovery phases of disaster. The aim is to encourage resiliency and to support the basic needs of people affected by disaster by ensuring comprehensive plans and procedures exist to meet welfare requirements.  Membership comprises voluntary agencies and service clubs, community disaster teams, and aged and disability service providers.

Public Health & Environment Sub-Group

This sub-group is chaired by our Manager Environment and Natural Resources. The key function of this sub-group is to provide specialist public health advice in the prevention and management of disaster events, to provide specialist advice on waste management, and to manage rehabilitation of the natural environment as required.  Membership comprises agencies responsible for public health as well as stakeholders.

Economic Sub-Group

This sub-group is chaired by our Executive Manager Economic Development.  The key function of this sub-group is to assess the impact of a disaster event on the economy, and coordinate the provision of financial management support and industry assistance during planning, response and recovery activities.  Membership includes business, government and industry representatives.

Infrastructure Sub-Group

This sub-group is chaired by our General Manager Infrastructure and Environment. The key function of this sub-group is to identify and protect critical infrastructure and to ensure a coordinated approach to conducting damage assessments and infrastructure repairs following disaster events.  Membership comprises TMR, dam owners, Ergon Energry, Telstra and other critical infrastructure asset owners.

The structure of the LDMG sub-groups enables the LDMG to seamlessly transition from response to recovery operations.