External Funding Supports TRC Roads

Tablelands Regional Council Mayor Rod Marti is pleased with the latest allocation of the Roads to Recovery Funding (R2R).

‘Our 2024–29 R2R allocation is $8,620,920, well up on the previous allocation of $4,898,233 in 2019–24 and we thank the Australian Government for their foresight and consideration in applying this level of funding to our region.

‘This increase will help to offset the rising costs of road maintenance and renewals, and the additional strain the recent weather has placed on our roads.

‘R2R is a non-competitive funding source and can be allocated to road renewal and upgrade projects.

‘It generally supports our road surface rehabilitation, asphalt overlay, bitumen reseal and gravel resheeting programs,’ said Mayor Marti.

The announcement of the R2R funding comes on the back of allocations of Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) and Works for Queensland (WFQ) funding.

‘We received $1,544,729 LRCI funding for road and community infrastructure projects, and $4,320,000 WFQ funding for infrastructure projects, maintenance, planning and capability development.

‘We’re still finalising what projects and programs this funding will be applied to but we’ll make the best use of these external funds.

‘You can follow the progress of our programs at trc.qld.gov.au/programs.

R2R — Funded by the Australian Government under the Roads to Recovery Program.

W4Q — Proudly funded by the Queensland Government in association with Tablelands Regional Council.

LRCI — These projects are funded by the Australian Government under the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.
