Management of Malanda Falls Caravan Park

The management of Malanda Falls Caravan Park will be provided via a management agreement after a resolution at today’s ordinary Council meeting.

‘It’s great to see this agreement in place so we can secure the future of this important Malanda business,’ said Deputy Mayor Dave Bilney.

‘The tender was awarded to Naomi and Elijah Dunstan trading as E and N Dunstan Contracting for $141,487.50 including GST for 12 months, plus 10% of gross revenue commission.

‘The agreement includes an option for a three-year extension via Council resolution.

‘This new agreement has improvements in market planning, asset management and longer contract term and comes on the back of unsuccessful attempts to previously secure long-term leases for the caravan park,’ Deputy Mayor Bilney said.

In April 2023 Council unanimously resolved that Council officers investigated options to ensure the land on which the caravan park is situated remains in TRC ownership as a caravan park.
