New Direction for TRC Tourism

Destination marketing in the Tablelands Regional Council (TRC) Region is destined for major changes and improvements after a decision made at today’s ordinary Council meeting.

Mayor Rod Marti is welcoming the investment and changes as he believes the Tablelands is yet to reach its potential with regard to numbers of visitors and contribution to the economy.

‘The Tablelands is a long-established tourism destination and the drive market and day visitors make up the majority of our visitors.

‘We have an opportunity to drive better outcomes for tourism in our region through an improved destination marketing approach.

‘By engaging a Tourism Development Advisor we’ll have a destination marketing specialist who can guide and inform our decision-making processes.

‘This position will review and recommend changes to our destination marketing approach and Destination Management Plan , collaborate with stakeholders to align opportunities with tourism strategies and economic development goals, build relationships with local tourism operators, and raise the profile of the region as a destination.

‘I’m looking forward to seeing the outcomes of these improvements and the flow-on effects to our local economy and broader region,’ said Mayor Marti.
