Bridges, Culverts & Drains Project Updates

$1.44M capital works project.

Investigation, scoping and design of bridge and culvert projects for the next three years.

Proposed bridges and culverts include:

  • Bridge on Turner Road in Ravenshoe. The bridge is complete. Additional roadwork will conducted when the weather improves.
  • Weir Creek bridge on Ross Road in Evelyn. The bridge is complete. Sealing of approaches will commence when the weather improves.
  • Station Creek bridge on Kaban Road. The design is complete and construction will commence in 2024–25.
  • Ithaca River bridge on Clarkes Track. Scoping and design are underway.
  • Culvert on Cescotto Road in Tolga. Design commenced in February.
  • Wondecla Creek bridge on Webster Road in Wondecla will be replaced and the approaches realigned. Design is complete and construction will commence in 2024–25.
  • A culvert on Moregatta Road at Millaa Millaa will be relined. Work commenced on Monday 22 April and is being delayed by the weather.
  • Battle Creek bridge on Glen Allyn Road in Malanda. Scoping and design are underway.
  • A bridge on Wooroora Road. Scoping and design are underway.

$102,000 capital works project

  • Four culverts on Brodie Road, Innot Hot Springs are being replaced and the intersection restructured. The design is complete and construction is planned for 2024–25.
  • A culvert on Carson Road, Malanda will be replaced this financial year. Construction has commenced.
  • A culvert on Bew Road, Ravenshoe will be replaced. Design is complete and construction is planned in 2024–25.
  • Other culverts are being investigated and prioritised.