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Future of Patrick English Pavilion – Malanda

Due to a number of structural failures within the Patrick English Pavilion in Malanda, Tablelands Regional Council is now considering the future of the facility due to safety concerns and potential cost. The Pavilion situated at the Malanda Showgrounds has reached an ‘end-of-economic-life’ point as a usable community facility for TRC. See the ‘Document Library’ tab for engineering inspection reports.

Malanda is recognised as a key commercial, social and communal hub for the Atherton Tablelands and considering the current use of the Malanda Showgrounds precinct by a number of community and sporting groups, TRC acknowledges the need for a facility that caters for all those who currently run and attend events there, as well as those who could use it in the future.

TRC is working closely with all current regular users including the Malanda Show Society and Malanda Lions Club. We also want to hear from all those with an interest in how to service a developing Malanda township and district and how we can best cater for a growing community while at the same time recognising our valuable heritage.

Please see the ‘Background’ tab for more information on the building and broader planning for the region.

If you wish to provide input on what type of facility you would like to see in Malanda, please go the ‘Survey’ tab to have your say.

The building, built in the 1940s for wartime purposes, was moved from Danbulla and has served thousands of memorable community and family occasions over the last eight decades.

As identified in the Community Facilities Strategy , those assets that reach this stage result in higher maintenance and compliance costs and this then comes at the expense of creating new and improved spaces that meet the needs of the current and future community. TRC has 330 building assets across the region and these have an average age of 37 years. Council adopted a new Building Asset Management Plan in November 2023 to improve the way in which we monitor and maintain existing infrastructure and plan better for future assets.

Annual site inspections have been carried out by staff along with regular engineering reports. No significant Council funds have been spent on structural repairs in recent years but over 30 separate works orders have been performed at the facility since 2019 in order to maintain a safe, compliant and functioning community space.

Tablelands 2030+ our region’s Community Plan created by residents from across the Atherton Tablelands in 2022, identifies a number of key aims that current infrastructure does not adequately accommodate. These include: Gathering Places – ‘Multi-purpose facilities that are adaptable to changing needs’, Serving Community – ‘Environmentally aligned and attractive public infrastructure’, Smart Facilities – ‘Precincts that promote people gathering’ and Connecting People – ‘Central and visual gathering spaces’.

There is also significant development approved and expected within the Malanda district which will also require an increase to the existing service delivery capacity.

*   Approximately 200 approved lots currently under development at Davies & Mundey Roads

*   Land Supply Study projections of population growth of approx. 600  between now and 2040

*   LGIP forecast of potential 1000+ new dwellings based on available zoned land in Malanda (not accounting for surrounding district)


Patrick English Pavilion Inspections & Reports

2020 Malanda Multi-Purpose Facility Concept

Community Facilities Strategy developed


'Reimagining Community Facilities' project launched


Consultation with Malanda sport, recreation and community groups around where a multi-purpose building may be situated and what it may look like


Report to Council

December 2020

Budget for detailed design of multi-purpose facility deferred


Budget for detailed design reinstated for FY 2022-23


Communication to Pavilion users regarding planning around building condition and future of site

July 2023

Budget for detailed design of multi-purpose facility deferred


Engineering Report indicating Pavilion is not safe for occupation

May 2024

Community Feedback sought on preference for Patrick English Pavilion

July-August 2024

Report to Council

September 2024
Due to the building's current condition, Tablelands Regional Council is faced with limited choice moving forward. Please indicate what your preference would be if given these options(Required)