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Tablelands 2030+

Since November 2021, TRC has worked with community to identify priorities and actions that will help shape our region now and for future generations.

With input from those who live and work here through online surveys and polls, conversations at events in the community and a number of targeted workshops with a representative focus group, we have created a roadmap to guide Council decision making, services and priorities.

‘This is a unique and important opportunity to help us co-create the desired future we want to achieve for the next generation who will live, work, study, invest and participate in our community,’ said Mayor Rod Marti.

‘We’re looking for input from the wider community to build on the significant work completed by our focus group to drive and create our regional roadmap — Tablelands 2030+, building on our strengths and valuing what is important.’

Tablelands 2030+ was adopted by Council on 28 July as a Community Plan that informs our Corporate Plan and aids in governing the incredible place in which we live.

Keep your eyes peeled for events coming up near you where you can contribute to reaching the key aims identified in making the Tablelands a region we and following generations prosper in and have the highest quality of life.

Our current TRC Community Plan 2021 was developed a decade ago when we were a recently amalgamated Council. A community plan reference group was established in 2008 with a draft community plan presented for public comment in December 2011. The TRC Community Plan encompassed the former shires of Atherton, Eacham, Herberton and Mareeba.

We need to revisit and find out what aspirations are still relevant and what values and priorities we need to consider going forward, so we can work with our community to deliver our desired, inclusive future.  After forming a focus group of 60+ members that represented every part of our community, we conducted two intensive workshops to narrow down the key priorities and responsibilities for our region.  We now want to hear from everyone who has an interest in what our part of the Atherton Tablelands should look like now and beyond 2030.

The co-created community vision will inform Council decision making and partnerships to protect and enhance the liveability elements of our region and inform services that our community values.

*THIS IS A 10-YEAR PLAN!  The over-arching document aims to encompass all or most of those smaller picture items that are important to your local street or town*

Tablelands 2030+ Community Plan Draft Framework

Tablelands 2030+ Final

Capture community values and establish Focus Group

September - October

Advise key stakeholder and advisory groups of plan development

October - November

Hold intensive workshops with Focus Group


Prepare draft vision with focus group


Community feedback through pop-up stalls, events and online portal


Reengage with key stakeholder and advisory groups


Refine the collective vision through final consultation with Focus Group and appoint a representative committee to complete final plan


Tablelands 2030+ vision presented to Council


Integrate into strategies and progress collaborative projects to achieve the vision

July - Ongoing

Grow fruit trees in public areas

So that everyone can get fresh fruit when its growing specially for kids who don’t get enough to eat because they are poor.
Laluna (10years old)


Devlop opportunities for appropriate housing

Housing, old and new seems to be dominated by multi bedroom houses with a garden.
How many older residents are looking to down size but stay in the area. Do they have to wait until they have to go into assisted living or move to another region to find somewhere easier to look after, closer to town? Are there any other options for them locally? If not how can we influence that?
At the other end of the age scale I wonder about young people starting out in life and wanting to have somewhere to call their own, but are still not ready to settle down to start a family, build a three business home with a garden. What are their renting options? Do they decide to leave the area to find a little autonomy as they become young adults? Is this what the community and parents, for that matter, want? Needing to leave town for University is not for everyone.
One potential solution in Atherton could be the old school area. The space would be an ideal location for some mixed, appropriate housing close to the CBD and could easily include purpose built community facilities for those groups who want to stay in that spot. Perhaps this could help keep more residents in the area.


Water park

The area is begging for a water park. Herberton would be great place to have one, as one of our drier towns. This would draw visitors to the area and add to a great day out on the tablelands for visiting families, also less likely to have mold issues.

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