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TRC Road Naming Policy Review

Our Road Naming Policy is being reviewed.

The Policy contains “pre-approved” road names which are given preference when naming new or unnamed roads. Any other proposed name is at Council’s discretion and requires individual approval by Council resolution.

The Policy identifies nine districts and each of these districts has a separate list of pre-approved road names.

We are committed to:

1. A naming convention for roads and places which is free of ambiguity and meets naming standards, including AS/NZS 4819:2011 – Rural and Urban Addressing Standard;

2. A preference for names that acknowledge:

  • Fallen or soldiers that served from a relevant district;
  • First Nations People place names and language words;
  • Historical or significant places;
  • Specifically adopted themes for particular areas;
  • Long term resident families and individuals in the relevant district; and,
  • Any person who has achieved state, national and international recognition.

If you would like to suggest a name be added or removed for consideration of new road naming, please complete the survey and give as much detail as possible to support your request.

We also welcome feedback on the policy itself, you can view it in its entirety in the ‘Document Library’ tab.

Submissions closed Friday 13 January 2023.  These will be reviewed against the above criteria and presented to Council for further consideration.

If you have any specific questions regarding the naming of roads, please send an email to

Current TRC Road Naming Policy
