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Tablelands Youth Strategic Plan Midway Review

Tableland Regional Council’s Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) is conducting a midway review of the Tablelands Youth Strategic Plan 2019-24.


The Midway Review Action Plan 2022-24 draft is now ready for feedback in the Document tab.


Thank you to everyone who responded to our youth survey and attended our workshop engagements. We have put all of your responses together to inform the Midway Review Action Plan.

Tablelands Youth Strategic Plan Midway Review DRAFT

Inception workshop with Youth Advisory Committee

24 August 2022

Youth Workshop

12 September 2022

Youth Survey closed

23 September 2022

Youth Sector Workshop

28 September 2022

Feedback analysis and preparation of Midway Review Action Plan to be reviewed by YAC and youth sector agencies

Early November 2022

Midway Review presented to YAC meeting prior to being tabled at Council Ordinary Meeting

23 November 2022

Completed Midway Review to go to Council for endorsement

January 2023
No ideas submitted yet.