Road Repairs Progressing

Road repairs in the Tablelands Regional Council area are progressing at a steady pace and Mayor Rod Marti is pleased extra resources have been brought in.

‘Since the weather gave us a reprieve a few weeks ago we’ve graded more than 50km of gravel roads and our pothole crews have been able to move from temporary to more permanent repairs and have applied nearly 400T of pothole mix.

‘We’ve also employed external grading contractors to help with the backlog of jobs.

‘All of this work comes on the back of around $10M for road restoration across the region, and work commencing on 4km of repairs on Cashmere Kirrama Road around the Big Swamp area.

‘The sealing of the final section of Ootann Road in the TRC Region has commenced and should be complete by the end of this year.

‘Our asphalt overlay and bitumen reseal programs are due to commence in October this year and will be finalised in December.

‘We’ll also replace several bridges and culverts this financial year on various roads across the region.

‘We understand people’s frustrations at the conditions of the roads but the wet weather has hampered our ability to conduct quality repairs while also continuing to negatively affect the road conditions.

‘We have more than 1000km of unsealed roads and we are working through our systematic program to grade them — starting in the drier parts of the region and working towards the wetter areas as the weather improves.

‘That being said, if a road is particularly bad, we’ll prioritise it outside this systematic program.

‘We can’t grade wet roads and they have to be fully dry before any work is done on them otherwise we’re doing more damage than good.

‘We appreciate everyone’s patience as we catch up on the backlog of repairs.

‘Please be aware of workers on the roads and heed all instructions and safety signs — we need everyone to get home safely.

‘Continue to report road issues to us via,, 1300 362 242 and at our customer service centres in Atherton, Herberton, Malanda and Ravenshoe.

‘And head to our website to get more details on the roads we are working on, and to follow the progress,’ Mayor Marti said.
