Bridge Load Limits

A bridge load limit is a restriction placed on the mass vehicles allowed to cross a given bridge.

Bridge load limits are typically determined by a specialist structural engineer. Regulatory signs are placed at both approaches to a bridge with a load limit, and it is a police responsibility to ensure the signs are complied with.

Apply for an Overload Bridge Permit.

RoadCrossesLimit (t)
Allwood LaneIrrigation chanenl8
Bew RoadMinor watercourse20
Cashmere–Kirrama RoadBig Swamp10
Clarkes TrackIthaca River7.5
Cockram RoadMinor Watercourse20
Glen Allyn RoadBattle Creek25
Glue Pot RoadNorth Wondecla Creek10
Go Tack RoadCoolabbi CreekCLOSED
Kaban RoadStation Creek10
Lindsay RoadJohnstone River10
Middlebrook RoadMiddlebrook Creek13.5
Moregatta RoadVigors Creek5
Morganbury RoadIrrigation channel20
Northey RoadIrrigation channel25
Nymbool RoadTabo Dam overflow20
Ross RoadWeir Creek25
Silver Valley RoadWoolamin Creek15
Turner RoadVine Creek20
Uramo RoadHerbert River10
Wairuna RoadAnthill Creek8
Webster RoadWondecla Creek8
Westwood RoadWondecla Creek20
Whiting RoadBeatrice River15
Wooroora RoadGully5