
Inner Wheel Club of FNQ Tablelands

Contact Details
Atherton International Club, Atherton, AU
Let's Get Social
Club Info

The Inner Wheel Club of FNQ Tablelands is a not-for-profit organisation.

The amazing group of women meet once a month on the second Tuesday of the month at the Atherton International Club at 11.30am.

We hold functions and events that raise funds for charities locally, nationally and internationally.

Help fundraise for local charities while having fun.

Volunteer for the Rotary FNQ Field Days at Mareeba and hold Christmas in July at the Ravenshoe Hotel.

Bunnings Sausage Sizzle and Cake Stall. to raise funds for Local Charities.

Provide Food & Ushering at Malanda Theatre for key productions throughout the year.

These events allow us to donate back to the local community.

Our fees are $55 per annum.
