
U3A Atherton Tablelands

Contact Details
PO Box 928
Atherton 4883
David Jones
Let's Get Social
Club Info

Our aim is to foster the joy of learning for learning’s sake, and to encourage social well being and good health. To do this we draw upon the extensive experience, skills and energies of our members to offer activities that are mentally stimulating, that enable them to develop and extend their interests and that provide the satisfaction of making a continuing contribution to the community.

U3AAT activities range from card and mahjong playing through literature studies, to health and wellbeing to learning more about the world around us via presentations and field visits. These activities may involve weekly attendance for a full semester, one-off lectures, or even outings to places of interest. As an added benefit, members share reciprocal rights to attend courses run by other U3A’s in Queensland. Tablelanders may be interested in attending Cairns U3A courses, for example. There is also an online branch of U3A that offers over 30 courses that can be done at your own pace and in your own home.

Become a Course Coordinator for one of our activities. Introduce a new type of learning or physical activity to our members. Give a presentation about your life experiences, travels, professional interests etc. to our members. Join the management committee; we are always looking for new ideas to enrich our offering to members.

Annual Open Day at the start of the year (date to be announced each year) The 2024 Open Day will be held on Saturday Jan 20 from 0930 to 1200 in Rm 22 located at the rear of the Atherton Community Centre in Mabel St. Participation in the annual Seniors Expo held by the TRC in October each year.

Annual Membership Fee is $30.

Queensland State U3A network
