Vision 4885 Inc.
VISION 4885 focuses on those aspects of community development that will assist visitors and residents to enjoy, improve and sustain the amenity and liveability of our area. We also actively encourage and/or assist:
• Individuals or groups to promote their ideas, desires and initiatives to advance the wellbeing and the commonly agreed aspirations of our area.
• Those who would provide new or improved facilities or services that are currently unavailable in our area.
• All levels of government, especially local government, to invest in agreed initiatives and projects of benefit to our area.
• Individuals to volunteer for those projects and activities agreed as advantageous to, or enhancing our area.
We address and consult on political, developmental and other issues which directly affect our area.
We in the first instance, ensure that community consultation about change, includes those who will be affected by any such change.
Furthermore we encourage and facilitate;
• Improved intergroup planning and communications;
• Meaningful coalitions and cooperation between groups;
• Understanding in the sharing of limited community resources;
• The pursuit of, and application, for funding and grants.
• The provision of office bearer, group management, leadership, group succession planning and other relevant training.
The accepted philosophy of VISION 4885 is decidedly community focused with a determined emphasis on:
• Treating individual, group and community needs and aspirations in a positive and empathic manner;
• Being transparent and honest in all our dealings, facilitation processes and procedures.
• Delivering agreed outcomes in a timely and professional manner.
• Showing respect for the integrity and “ownership” of a group’s programs by limiting or preventing any interference with those programs.
There are a number of ways to support and/or be involved in Vision 4885 Inc.:
• Sign up for our regular email Updates via our website or by contacting us
• Submit details of your community events to be added to the 4885 Community Calendar
• Make use of the Malanda Community News and Classifieds Noticeboard on English Street between Spar and the Big Pub
• Attend a general meeting open to members and non-members
• Become a member – various types of individual and community group membership available, details on our website
• Take up a position on the Management Committee
Community Calendar Workshop
Office-bearer Training Workshop
General Meetings open to members and non-members
Membership Information and fees available on our website: