Summary of Ordinary Council Meeting Thursday 23 May 2024

Update on Peterson Creek Walking Track

Work is continuing on a business case to present to the Queensland Government for funding to purchase land, and discussions are continuing with some adjacent landowners.

Mayoral Minute

The proposed expansion of the Tolga Industrial Estate into the Atherton Tablelands Rail Trail corridor will not continue.

Inspector General Emergency Management (IGEM) 2023–24 Severe Weather Season Review

The Office of the Inspector General Emergency Management is conducting a review of the significant weather events relating to the 2023–24 severe weather season. The community will be encouraged to contribute to TRC’s submission and/or make an independent submission.


Tender T-TRC2023-21 for the widening and sealing of Ootann Road was awarded to Gunther Civil Pty Ltd for $3,130,581.36 including GST.

Tender T-TRC2024-10 for management services for Malanda Falls Caravan Park was awarded to Naomi and Elijah Dunstan trading as E and N Dunstan Contracting for 12 months for $141,487.50 including GST plus 10% gross revenue commission. The tender also includes an option for a three-year extension at Council’s discretion.

Disposal of Building

The building next to Meals on Wheels at the Atherton Showgrounds will be disposed of by a tender for removal. The building will be demolished if the tender process is unsuccessful.

Water Use Concession

A 50% water concession was applied for water use charges at 23 Danbulla Crescent, Atherton for the January 2024 billing period.

Reef Guardian Councils Memorandum of Understanding & Representation

Councillor Maree Baade and Tudor Tanase — Manager Environment and Natural Resources were nominated as representatives for the Reef Guardian Council Program executive committee. Mayor Rod Marti can appoint a management committee member if Councillor Baade is unable to attend, and the Chief Executive Office can appoint an alternative officer if Tudor Tanase is unable to attend.

A memorandum of understanding with the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority will be signed and a draft action plan was endorsed. The Reef Guardian Council stewardship program promotes Great Barrier Reef protection through education, information sharing and involvement in on-ground actions.

Wet Tropics Waterways Partnership Management Committee Representation

Councillor Baade was nominated to the Wet Tropics Waterways management committee and Mayor Marti can appoint a committee member if Councillor Baade is unable to attend. The Wet Tropics Waterways Partnership develops the Wet Tropics Regional Waterway Health Report Card that informs catchment management, and promotes Great Barrier Reef protection through education, information sharing and involvement in on-ground actions.

Eacham Place Park Reserve Conversion

Approval was given to accept trusteeship over a park and recreation reserve at Eacham Place Park in Malanda.

Financial Report

Both operating revenue and expenditure are on target for April. The Quarterly Report for 1 January to 31 March 2024 shows performance towards delivering initiatives in the Operational Plan.

Land Valuations

Department of Resources will be advised that Council does not recommend a new land revaluation for the TRC area. The last revaluation has only been in effect for one financial year and there were significant changes in values.

Policies Adopted

The Revenue Policy 2024–25 provides the guiding principles for the development of the annual budget.

The revised Councillor Remuneration, Expenses Reimbursement and Resource Policy ensures Councillors can receive reimbursement of reasonable expenses and be provided with necessary facilities in performance of their role.

Fees & Charges

Fees and charges are reviewed annually with consideration given to the cost of delivering and regulated requirement of the services. The revised fees and charges will come into effect on Monday 1 July 2024.

Councillor Remuneration

The annual increase outlined in the Local Government Remuneration Commission Annual Report will be applied to Councillor remuneration.

Councillor Uniforms

A report will be provided on the provision of corporate wear for Councillors.

Concession on Utility Charges

A concession will be applied to the February and August 2024 rate notices of the Atherton Junior Rugby League Club. A review will be conducted on the rate and utility charges and associated concessions applied to not-for-profit groups and sporting clubs, and the Rate and Charges Concession Policy reviewed.
